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Faith Leaders Denounce Florida Supreme Court Decision to Uphold 15 Week Abortion Ban and Urge People of Faith to Vote Yes on Amendment 4


Monday, April 1, 2024


Lizzy Ganssle,, 203-623-2271


Faith Leaders Denounce Florida Supreme Court Decision to Uphold 15 Week Abortion Ban and Urge People of Faith to Vote Yes on Amendment 4

Tallahassee, Florida – Today, the Florida Supreme Court released its decision in Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, et al. v. State of Florida, et al. The Florida Supreme Court ruled to uphold the state’s 15-week abortion ban, therefore allowing a six-week trigger ban to go into effect in 30 days. This November, there will be a proposed amendment to limit government interference with abortion (Amendment 4) on the ballot.

Faith leaders from across the state of Florida have denounced the Court’s decision to limit Floridians’ access to abortion and urge people of faith to vote YES on Amendment 4 in November. Faith in Public Life Action supports Amendment 4 and also urges Florida voters to approve the ballot initiative this fall.

Od’Juan Whitfield, Florida Organizing Manager, Faith in Public Life Action, Jacksonville, FL
“The majority of people of faith in Florida believe abortion should be legal and accessible. We support access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare – abortion care, contraception access, fertility treatment and miscarriage care – not despite our faith but because of it. The people of Florida have spoken with over one million signatures collected across party lines throughout the state to put Amendment 4 on the ballot.

The Court’s decision to uphold a 15-week abortion ban will force vulnerable Floridians to experience unnecessary trauma including being forced to carry pregnancies that aren’t viable. We have already seen the devastating impacts on people’s lives and well-being from abortion bans across the country. Fortunately, we can protect Floridians by passing Amendment 4 in November.

Faith leaders across the state are committed to loving our neighbors by protecting their freedom to make the best decisions for themselves, their families and their communities. People of faith who believe in justice and community need to be on the frontlines fighting for accessible reproductive care to protect the most vulnerable in our state. We’re asking all faith leaders in Florida to join Faith in Public Life Action in speaking up in support of comprehensive reproductive healthcare and protecting access to that care by voting Yes on 4 in November.” 

Rev. Terri Steed-Pierce, Pastor, Joy Metropolitan Community Church, Orlando, FL
“As a faith leader, I believe reproductive health decisions should be left to individuals and the medical providers they trust; it should not be up to judges and politicians who use their faith as a weapon. When appointed officials, like Florida’s Supreme Court justices, force vulnerable Floridians to carry pregnancies that aren’t viable, they are causing unnecessary trauma to these women. And yet, these same officials often fail to support the life-giving economic, education and health care policies we need to live our lives with the dignity God desires.  

The Court’s decision goes against the majority of Florida voters, including people of faith, who believe people should have the right to reproductive freedom, including abortion. This decision will have dire consequences for the most vulnerable in Florida. The people who interpret our laws must do better – and voters must correct this injustice by voting Yes on 4 in November.”

Bishop Regina Jackson, Pastor, Restoration of Truth, Jacksonville, FL
“I want to express my profound dismay and deep concern regarding the recent Florida Supreme Court decision to uphold the 15 week abortion ban and allow a six week ban to go into effect. As a woman and a faith leader, I feel compelled to voice my objection to this decision, which I believe infringes upon a woman's fundamental rights of autonomy over her own body.

In our diverse and pluralistic society, it is vital that we respect and uphold the principles of individual liberty and freedom of choice. While the issue of abortion is undoubtedly a complex and deeply personal one, it is essential to recognize that individuals should have the agency to make decisions that align with their beliefs, values and circumstances. This includes the deeply personal choice of whether to terminate a pregnancy.

My faith teaches me the importance of compassion, empathy and understanding. It encourages me to stand up for the marginalized, the vulnerable and those facing difficult decisions. I sincerely believe that the church should be a place of support and guidance, rather than a force that imposes its views on others. I firmly believe that respecting a woman's right to choose does not conflict with the teachings of love, compassion and acceptance that are at the core of many faith traditions. 

This abortion ban does not uphold the principles of individual liberty and bodily autonomy that are fundamental to our society. Let us continue to strive for a world where compassion, understanding and respect for one another's choices are the cornerstones of our collective journey, and vote Yes on 4 in November.”

Rabbi Samantha Kahn, Senior Associate, Congregation B’nai Israel, Boca Raton, FL
“Jewish law explicitly states that abortion is not only permitted but required if the pregnancy is detrimental to the physical or psychological health of the pregnant person. (See Gittin 23b; Mishnah Oholot 7:6; Rashi on Sanhedrin 72b:14; and Responsa She’elat Ya’vetz 1:43 for textual proof).
Looking at the amount of time and money being poured into ‘protecting’ the unborn, it is clear to see that – for many – the fight for the unborn is being prioritized above the fight for the living, over human relationships, above our physical and mental wellbeing, even above our relationship with God – which mandates we care for our fellow humans. 
Let us help our fellow Floridians to care more about each other, about the health, safety and education of the people who are already living and struggling in our world and our state. Given today’s Court ruling limiting access to abortion for Floridians, it is critical that we vote Yes on 4 when we cast our ballots this November.”

Faith in Public Life Action uses the moral imperative for justice, inclusion and equity to advocate for policy change that ensures our full humanity is protected by law. We do this by building and leveraging the power of a multifaith, multiracial coalition of highly influential faith leaders to advocate for policies that protect and advance our sacred human rights.


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