Faith in Public Life Action’s mission is to use the moral imperative for justice, inclusion and equity to advocate for policy change that inscribes the full humanity of each of us into law. We do this by building and leveraging the power of a multifaith, multiracial coalition of grasstops leaders and resourcing them to advocate for policies that protect and advance our sacred human rights.
Power Building
By building cultures of belonging and leveraging the collective power of our multifaith and multiracial coalition, we work towards realizing a healthy and equitable democracy that upholds every individual’s dignity and freedom.
Resourcing Grasstops Leaders
Key to Faith in Public Life Action’s theory of change, we work to support, amplify, and resource our coalition of influential faith leaders – who reflect the diversity of the nation – as they collectively discern, set faith-forward strategy and take transformative action.
Liberating Repro Health
Across our sacred texts, compassion is a beacon guiding us towards a deeper understanding of each person’s dignity and our reliance on one another. As faith leaders, when we advocate to policymakers for equitable access to comprehensive reproductive health care, we embody the divine principles of love, justice, and respect, ensuring that every individual’s dignity and freedom are upheld.
Faith in Fair Elections
As faith leaders, our role extends beyond the walls of our places of worship; we are also called to be a lightin our communities. Advocating toward a free, fair and safe electoral process is critically important to moving our country to an equitable democracy. Through campaigns like exposing corporate hypocrisy, we help advocate for local, state, and federal policies that will make a stronger democracy for us all.
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